List of Available Methods in odkTables.js
Here you will find a list of all available methods for you to use that can be found in system/js/odkTables.js
(boolean): If varToTest is an array.
(boolean): If varToTest is not an array.
Returns true if the variable is an array, false otherwise.
str : The variable to be tested to determine if it is a string.
Returns: The function returns a Boolean value. It returns true if the str is a string, and false if it is not a string.
This function is designed to check whether the provided variable str is a string or not. It does so by using the typeof operator, which returns a string that indicates the type of the variable, and then it compares that string to 'string'. If the comparison is true, it means the variable is a string, and the function returns true. If the comparison is false, the function returns false.
This function ensures that the input parameters meet the expected types for a specific function (fnName). If any parameter is of the incorrect type, an exception is thrown to indicate the issue. This is a common pattern in JavaScript for ensuring that functions receive the correct types of arguments.
Returns: The function returns the result of calling another function
. It passes thedispatchStruct
, target activity ("org.opendatakit.tables.activities.TableDisplayActivity"), and intent arguments toodkCommon.doAction
dispatchStruct: An object representing the dispatch structure.
tableId: A string representing the table ID.
sqlWhereClause: A string representing a SQL WHERE clause (optional, can be null or undefined).
sqlSelectionArgs: An array representing SQL selection arguments (optional, can be null or undefined).
relativePath: A string representing a relative path (optional, can be null or undefined).
Returns: The function returns the result of calling another function
. It passes thedispatchStruct
, target activity ("org.opendatakit.tables.activities.TableDisplayActivity"), and intent arguments toodkCommon.doAction
This function is to facilitate the interaction with tables.
dispatchStruct: An object representing the dispatch structure.
tableId: A string representing the table ID.
sqlCommand: A string representing a SQL command.
sqlSelectionArgs: An array representing SQL selection arguments (optional, can be null or undefined).
relativePath: A string representing a relative path (optional, can be null or undefined).
Returns: The function returns the result of calling another function
. It passes thedispatchStruct
, target activity ("org.opendatakit.tables.activities.TableDisplayActivity"), and intent arguments toodkCommon.doAction
Returns: The function returns the result of calling another function
. It passes thedispatchStruct
, target activity ("org.opendatakit.tables.activities.TableDisplayActivity"), and intent arguments toodkCommon.doAction
dispatchStruct: An object representing the dispatch structure.
tableId: A string representing the table ID.
sqlCommand: A string representing a SQL command.
sqlSelectionArgs: An array representing SQL selection arguments (optional, can be null or undefined).
relativePath: A string representing a relative path (optional, can be null or undefined).
Returns: The function returns the result of calling another function
. It passes thedispatchStruct
, target activity ("org.opendatakit.tables.activities.TableDisplayActivity"), and intent arguments toodkCommon.doAction
This function is similar to the openTableToMapView
function but is designed to handle an arbitrary SQL query (specified in sqlCommand) rather than a simple query.
dispatchStruct: An object representing the dispatch structure.
tableId: A string representing the table ID.
sqlWhereClause: A string representing a SQL WHERE clause (optional, can be null or undefined).
sqlSelectionArgs: An array representing SQL selection arguments (optional, can be null or undefined).
Returns: The function returns the result of calling another function
. It passes thedispatchStruct
, target activity ("org.opendatakit.tables.activities.TableDisplayActivity"), and intent arguments toodkCommon.doAction
The purpose of this function is to facilitate the interaction with tables, specifically opening a table view to a spreadsheet view within the odk-x tables. It is useful for visualizing and working with tabular data in a spreadsheet format.
dispatchStruct: An object representing the dispatch structure. tableId: A string representing the table ID. rowId: A string representing the row ID. relativePath: A string representing a relative path (optional, can be null or undefined).
Returns: The function returns the result of calling another function
. It passes thedispatchStruct
, target activity ("org.opendatakit.tables.activities.TableDisplayActivity"), and intent arguments toodkCommon.doAction
The purpose of this function is to facilitate the interaction with data tables, allowing users to open a detail view for a specific row. The relativePath parameter provides additional flexibility for specifying a file path if needed for the action.
dispatchStruct: An object representing the dispatch structure.
tableId: A string representing the table ID.
sqlCommand: A string representing a SQL command.
sqlSelectionArgs: An array representing SQL selection arguments (optional, can be null or undefined).
relativePath: A string representing a relative path (optional, can be null or undefined).
Returns: The function returns the result of calling another function
. It passes thedispatchStruct
, target activity ("org.opendatakit.tables.activities.TableDisplayActivity"), and intent arguments toodkCommon.doAction
This function is similar to the openDetailView
function but is designed to handle an arbitrary SQL query (specified in sqlCommand) rather than a simple query.
dispatchStruct: An object representing the dispatch structure.
tableId: A string representing the table ID.
rowId: A string representing the row ID.
relativePath: A string representing a relative path (optional, can be null or undefined).
Returns: The function returns the result of calling another function
. It passes thedispatchStruct
, target activity ("org.opendatakit.tables.activities.TableDisplayActivity"), and intent arguments toodkCommon.doAction
The purpose of this function is to facilitate the interaction with data tables, allowing users to open a detail view with a list view for a specific row.
The relativePath
parameter provides additional flexibility for specifying a file path if needed for the action.
dispatchStruct: An object representing the dispatch structure.
tableId: A string representing the table ID.
sqlCommand: A string representing a SQL command.
sqlSelectionArgs: An array representing SQL selection arguments (optional, can be null or undefined).
relativePath: A string representing a relative path (optional, can be null or undefined).
Returns: The function returns the result of calling another function
. It passes thedispatchStruct
, target activity ("org.opendatakit.tables.activities.TableDisplayActivity"), and intent arguments toodkCommon.doAction
This function is similar to the openDetailWithListView
function but is designed to handle an arbitrary SQL query (specified in sqlCommand
) rather than a simple query.
tableId: A string representing the table ID.
sqlWhereClause: A string representing a SQL WHERE clause.
sqlSelectionArgs: An array representing SQL selection arguments (optional, can be null or undefined).
relativePath: A string representing a relative path (optional, can be null or undefined).
Returns: The function doesn't have a return value. Instead, it performs an action using the odkTablesIf.setSubListView function.
The purpose of this function is to set a sub-list view in the context of the application, allowing users to define and configure how data is displayed in a sub-list view within the specified table.
The relativePath
parameter provides additional flexibility for specifying a file path if needed for the action.
tableId: A string representing the table ID.
sqlCommand: A string representing a SQL command.
sqlSelectionArgs: An array representing SQL selection arguments (optional, can be null or undefined).
relativePath: A string representing a relative path (optional, can be null or undefined).
Returns: The function doesn't have a return value. Instead, it performs an action using the
This function is similar to the setSubListView
function but is designed to handle an arbitrary SQL query (specified in sqlCommand
) rather than a simple query.
dispatchStruct: An object representing the dispatch structure.
relativePath: A string representing a relative path to an HTML file.
Returns: The function returns the result of calling another function
. It passes thedispatchStruct
, target activity ("org.opendatakit.tables.activities.MainActivity"), and intent arguments toodkCommon.doAction
The purpose of this function is to allow users to open and view HTML content specified by the relativePath
parameter within the application's context, providing a way to display HTML-based content to the user.
dispatchStruct: An object representing the dispatch structure.
tableId: A string representing the table ID.
rowId: A string representing the row ID or null.
Returns: The function returns the result of calling another function
. It passes thedispatchStruct
, target activity ("org.opendatakit.survey.activities.SplashScreenActivity"), and intent arguments toodkCommon.doAction
The purpose of this function is to allow users to edit a row with a default survey form specified by the tableId
and rowId
parameters within the application's context, providing a seamless transition to the survey form for data entry or modification.
dispatchStruct: An object representing the dispatch structure.
tableId: A string representing the table ID.
rowId: A string representing the row ID or null.
formId: A string representing the form ID or null.
screenPath: A string representing the screen path or null.
Returns: The function returns the result of calling another function
. It passes thedispatchStruct
, target activity ("org.opendatakit.survey.activities.SplashScreenActivity"), and intent arguments toodkCommon.doAction
The purpose of this function is to allow users to edit a row with a specific survey form specified by the tableId
, rowId
, formId
and screenPath parameters within the application's context, providing a seamless transition to the survey form for data entry or modification.
dispatchStruct: An object representing the dispatch structure.
tableId: A string representing the table ID.
Returns: The function returns the result of calling another function
. It passes thedispatchStruct
, target activity ("org.opendatakit.survey.activities.SplashScreenActivity"), and intent arguments toodkCommon.doAction
The purpose of this function is to allow users to add a new row with a default survey form specified by the tableId
parameter within the application.
It generates a new row ID and sets up the necessary parameters for adding the row and launching the survey form for data entry.
dispatchStruct: An object representing the dispatch structure.
tableId: A string representing the table ID.
formId: An optional string representing the form ID (default is null if not provided).
screenPath: An optional string representing the screen path (default is null if not provided).
jsonMap: An optional JSON map (object) containing additional data (default is null if not provided).
Returns: The function returns the result of calling another function odkCommon.doAction. It passes the dispatchStruct, target activity ("org.opendatakit.survey.activities.SplashScreenActivity"), and intent arguments to odkCommon.doAction.
The purpose of this function is to allow users to add a new row with a specific survey form specified by the tableId
, formId
, screenPath
, and optional jsonMap
parameters within the application.
It generates a new row ID and sets up the necessary parameters for adding the row and launching the specified survey form for data entry.