Follow Up Forms

The follow up forms are the bulk of the longitudinal study. After clients are screened and entered into the study, six week and six month follow ups will take place. Furthermore, their partner may be screened to enter the study with them, and also receive a six month follow up.
Each of these are launched from the Client Details module. They are survey forms that provide the interviewer with a script and ask detailed medical questions. Some previously collected data will be prepopulated in the forms prompts.
The two Client Forms both read and write from the femaleClients table (as can be seen on the settings worksheet of both forms). This is true for both Partner Forms and the maleClients table as well.
These surveys are similar in structure to the initial Screen Client form. There is basic navigation logic via if and other condition clauses. Simple data collection occurs with select_one, select_multiple, integer, decimal, text, and date prompts. Interviewer scripts are provided with note prompts. The client ID is marked as necessary with the required: column, however, this field should always be prepopulated in follow up forms. This is because the form is modifying an existing record in the database, and the field already has a value. In general this could be changed, though in this workflow this would be rare. The model worksheet provides the linkage with the database table.
There are also files to define List Views and Detail View for the male partners, even though they are not reachable through the normal workflows. These can be launched by opening the table directly via the Tables Manager screen.
Client 6 Week with form ID client6Week
Client 6 Month with form ID client6Month
Screen Partner with form ID screenPartner
Partner 6 Month with form ID partner6Month
Database Tables