
Refrigerators are a key element of the Cold Chain application. Their working status is necessary for keeping vaccines cold and effective. This application focuses on providing easy access to the working status of lists of refrigerators organized in a multitude of different ways. It also tracks basic information about the refrigerator, such as its age and model.

Refrigerators belong to Health Facilities and they contain Maintenance Records.

Lists of Refrigerators

Refrigerator List


A Refrigerator List contains a clickable list of refrigerators: clicking the refrigerator will open the Refrigerator Menu. The list can be searched by the refrigerator's ID, the tracking ID, the health facility name, or the health facility ID:

Refrigerator List Search

The search string does not need to be a perfect match. Substrings and approximate matches can be searched and all matching records will be displayed. For example, if you searched 225 then you might get back refrigerators with ID 22500172, 22500035, and 22500032.

This page is paginated by default to 10 refrigerators per page. This can be adjusted to 20, 50, 100, or 1000 by selecting the option from the drop menu. To navigate between pages of refrigerators, use the Next and Prev buttons.

Tapping the Edit button will launch the full Survey form for this refrigerator. Each field will be prepopulated with the values shown in the menu, so that only the values that are incorrect need to be filled in.

These lists can be organized a number of ways:

  • By Region: This lists all refrigerators in the region and is launched by pressing the View All Refrigerators button on the Region Menu. This is what is shown above.

  • By Health Facility: This lists all refrigerators in a particular health facility. It is launched by pressing the Refrigerator Inventory button on the Health Facility Menu.

    Refrigerator Inventory List
  • By Type: This lists all refrigerators in a particular region organized by type. This is launched by pressing the View All *Model ID* Refrigerators button on a Refrigerator Type Menu.

    Refrigerator List by Model
  • Needing Service: This lists all refrigerators in a particular region that are in need of service. This is launched by pressing the View All Refrigerators Needing Service button on the Region Menu.


The refrigerator lists launched By Region, By Health Facility, and By Type all use config/tables/refrigerators/html/refrigerators_list.html and achieve their different lists by passing different query parameters. This file defines the search form, the pagination drop menu, and the JavaScript functions to call on button presses. All the rest of the user interface is added dynamically in config/tables/refrigerators/js/refrigerators_list.js. However, this file only handles populating the user interface elements defined in refrigerators-list.html. All of the logic is handled by the shared library file config/assets/js/list_view_logic.js. This file is discussed in the following subsection: The list_view_logic.js library.

The refrigerator list launched by Needing Service uses config/tables/refrigerators/html/refrigerators_service_list.html and config/tables/refrigerators/js/refrigerators_service_list.js, but these files work nearly identically to their refrigerators_list.*. The only difference is the listQuery variable that defines the SQL query to be run. Both files join the Refrigerators, Health Facilities, and Refrigerator Types tables in order to support filtering and sorting on facility name, facility ID, tracking ID, and refrigerator ID (see the searchParams variable). The refrigerators_service_list.js file differs in that it adds arguments for refrigerator maintenance priority.

The list_view_logic.js library

This library handles the queries, ordering, search, and pagination for all the search List Views in the Cold Chain application. In this section the calling files are refrigerators_list.js and refrigerators_service_list.js, but there are others as well. For the rest of this section I will refer to these as the caller.

When the caller is initializing, it will use the set functions to build state. First the table ID must be set with setTableId(...). Then the query parameters with setListQuery(...), setListQueryParams(...), and setSearchParams(...). And finally the user interface elements need to be supplied with setListElement(...), setSearchTextElement(...), and so on, to allow the list_view_logic.js file to read and write to them directly.

After state is initialized, the resumeFn(...) can be called. This function uses session variables (via odkCommon.setSesionVariable(...) and odkCommon.getSessionVariable(...) to track search terms, query keys, and pagination indices. It uses these values to build SQL queries and then runs them with a series of odkData.arbitraryQuery(...) commands to count the matching records and then retrieve the appropriate subset to display on the page. The results of that final query are used to create the list elements and populated them onto the page. Each list element contains a odkTables.openDetailView(...) command embedded in it. This works in a generic file like this because the default Detail View for each of these tables has been set in the settings page of the corresponding .xlsx file.

There is also more complex logic to handle the Edit and Delete buttons. The file must ensure the authenticated user has the requisite permissions for each record before displaying the button. If they do, and the button is pressed, the functions odkTables.editRowWithSurvey(...) and odkData.deleteRow(...) are called, respectively.

There are controls for the Next and Prev navigation buttons that ensure they do not go beyond the bounds of the full result set. Each time they are pressed, the resumeFn(...) is called again to re-query and redraw the results. Similarly, the Search button parses the text of the search, constructs a new query, and calls resumeFn(...). All of these functions communicate their parameters for the redraw through session variables.


  • config/tables/refrigerators/html/refrigerators_list.html

  • config/tables/refrigerators/js/refrigerators_list.js

  • config/tables/refrigerators/html/refrigerators_service_list.html

  • config/tables/refrigerators/js/refrigerators_service_list.js

  • config/assets/js/list_view_logic.js



Database Tables

  • Refrigerators

  • Health Facilities

  • Refrigerator Types

Refrigerator Menu

Refrigerator Menu Refrigerator Menu Buttons


The Refrigerator Menu is a Detail View that shows all the information about the particular refrigerator. Notable fields include Status and Date Serviced.

It also contains a number of buttons:

  • View Model Information: Launches the corresponding Refrigerator Type Menu.

  • View Facility Information: Launches the Health Facility Menu of the facility this refrigerator belongs to.

  • Add Maintenance Record: Launches a Survey form to add a new Maintenance Records. This record will be associated with this refrigerator and appear in future logs. This is meant to be filled out after a refrigerator is serviced.

  • View All Maintenance Records: Launches a Lists of Maintenance Records of all records associated with this particular refrigerator. It serves as a full service history of this unit.

  • Edit Refrigerator Status: Launches a Survey form that modifies only the service related details of this refrigerator. To be pressed when this refrigerator breaks or receives maintenance.

  • Edit Refrigerator: Launches the full Survey form for this refrigerator. Each field will be prepopulated with the values shown in the menu, so that only the values that are incorrect need to be filled in.


The Detail View for a refrigerator is defined by tables/refrigerators/html/refrigerators_detail.html. This file lists each user interface element (including all the data values of the refrigerator as well as the buttons). These elements contain their labels, and the values are filled in by tables/refrigerators/js/refrigerators.js.

After localizing its text, this JavaScript retrieves the refrigerator data with the standard odkData.getViewData(...) call. It also makes odkData.query(...) calls to the Health Facility, Refrigerator Types and Maintenance Logs tables. All of these resulting data sets are combined to fill in the display fields on the detail view.

If a button is pressed:

  • View Model Information: Launches odkTables.openDetailView(...) to Refrigerator Type Menu.

  • View Facility Information: Launches odkTables.openDetailView(...) to Health Facility Menu.

  • Add Maintenance Record: Launches odkTables.addRowWithSurvey(...) to the Maintenance Logs form. The permission and group values of the current refrigerator are passed as arguments as well, in order to create this maintenance record with the same values. This form can be viewed at tables/maintenance_logs/forms/maintenance_logs/maintenance_logs.xlsx. This brief form only contains two screens. There is an if clause that is set to never trigger, because the refrigerator_id will already be supplied by the caller. The rest of this form functions similarly to the rest of the forms in this application.

  • View All Maintenance Records: Launches odkTables.launchHTML(...) to Lists of Maintenance Records.

  • Edit Refrigerator Status: Launches odkTables.editRowWithSurvey(...) to the Refrigerator Status form. This form can be found at tables/refrigerators/forms/refrigerator_status/refrigerator_status.xlsx. This form writes to the Refrigerators table the same as the Refrigerators form does, but only presents a subset of the data fields. It displays a single screen of prompts relating to the status of the refrigerator. These will be prepopulated and only need be updated as necessary. This mapping is set up in the settings worksheet.

  • Edit Refrigerator: Launches odkTables.editRowWithSurvey(...) to the Refrigerators form. This performs similarly to the above option, but presents the data fields of the entire table. The form is discussed in more detail in Health Facilities Menu Implementation under the Add Refrigerator option.


  • tables/refrigerators/html/refrigerators_detail.html

  • tables/refrigerators/js/refrigerators_detail.js

  • config/assets/js/util.js

  • tables/maintenance_logs/forms/maintenance_logs/maintenance_logs.xlsx

  • tables/refrigerators/forms/refrigerator_status/refrigerator_status.xlsx

  • tables/refrigerators/forms/refrigerators/refrigerators.xlsx


  • Maintenance Logs with form ID maintenance_logs

  • Refrigerator Status with form ID refrigerator_status

  • Refrigerators with form ID refrigerators

Database Tables

  • Refrigerators

  • Health Facility

  • Refrigerator Types

  • Maintenance Logs